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ReviHealth™ Detox: Your Path to Wellness

Take the first step toward a healthier, more vibrant life with ReviHealth™ Detox. Our holistic approach ensures that your body receives the support it needs to thrive. Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Contact us today to learn more about how ReviHealth™ Detox can make a positive difference in your life.

Why ReviHealth™ Detox Matters

At Revity, we believe in the transformative power of detoxification, whether you’re aiming for a healthier lifestyle or addressing specific health concerns. Over time, various factors such as external toxins, alcohol, smoking, pesticides, heavy metals, medications, oral contraceptives, inflammatory foods, internal toxins, normal metabolic by-products, and excess hormones can burden your elimination organs, causing them to become sluggish or
impaired. Without the necessary time and nutrients, they struggle to
perform their vital functions effectively.

ReviHealth™ Detox
RiviHealth™ Detox - The essence of detox

The Essence of Detox

A detox programme provides your body with the essential time and resources needed to eliminate the accumulated toxins and undergo a profound cleansing. It’s a chance for your body to reset and rejuvenate, promoting overall well-being and vitality.

Is ReviHealth™ Detox Right for You?

Before beginning our detox programme, we conduct a thorough assessment to determine whether it’s the right fit for you. Whether you seek to kick-start a healthier lifestyle or address specific health concerns, ReviHealth™ Detox can empower you to achieve your wellness goals.

Pricing – Read more…

Consultation + report = £95 (60 – 75 minutes)

Action Plan and Reviews = £190

Please note, our ReviHealth Detox program requires purchasing herbal tea blends and food supplements separately. These items are essential for maximising program benefits and are not included in the service charge. Costs range from £100 to £350 depending on your health needs.

What to Expect – Read more…

Results vary depending on the individual, but the most commonly reported results are:

  • Quality sleep
  • Glowing skin 
  • Better digestion
  • Increased vitality  
  • Decreased body weight 
  • Less pain & inflammation
  • Improved cognitive function 
  • Reduced food and substance craving

There will be a weekly telephone review to discuss your progress, offer ongoing support, and adjust your support plan, as necessary. You can also contact us in-between reviews by email, telephone, or text message for advice and clarification.

FAQs – Read more…

What is ReviHealth™ Detox?

ReviHealth™ Detox is a process in which the body eliminates or neutralises toxins. It can involve various methods aimed at cleansing the body of harmful substances.

Why is ReviHealth™ Detox important for my body? 

Detoxification is important because it helps the body eliminate accumulated toxins, supporting overall health. It can enhance the functioning of organs such as the liver and kidneys, which play a crucial role in removing waste from the body.

What benefit would I get from ReviHealth™ Detox?

Signs that the body may benefit from detox include fatigue, digestive issues, skin problems, headaches, and a weakened immune system. After ReviHealth™ Detox client report of sleeping better, settled digestive issues, regain energy, skin looks well with minimal seasonal illnesses.  

 Are there different types of ReviHealth™ Detox programs? 

Yes, there are various ReviHealth™ Detox programs, ranging from short-term juice cleanses to longer-term dietary changes. It’s crucial to choose a method that aligns with individual health goal.

Can ReviHealth™ Detox help with weight loss? 

While some detox programs may result in temporary weight loss due to fluid loss, they are not a sustainable or healthy long-term solution for weight management. Detox should be approached as a means of supporting overall health rather than a quick fix for weight loss.

Can I undergo ReviHealth™ Detox program? 

Not everyone may benefit from or be suitable for a detox program. Individuals with certain health conditions, such as liver or kidney disease, should consult with their healthcare professionals before attempting any detox regimen. Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should also exercise caution.

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